SARA SCAMARCIA has been working since 2017 at Yoox Net A Porter Group. Director, photographer and executive producer, she’s graduated in Industrial Design at the Politecnico di Milano. Her passion for photography lead her to specialize in advertising. She worked on national and international advertising campaigns for clients and brands like Nike, Adidas, Unipol Banca, Chicco, Plasmon, Barilla, Nestlé, Nespresso, Nescafé, Yamaha, Gazzetta dello Sport, McCann Erickson, United 18661, DLVBBDO. In 2013 she won Film Factory Italy with shortfilm “Hands”, starring Cristiana Capotondi with Silvio Soldini‘s artistic direction and supervising. Afters that she founded THE STORYTELLERS Video & Tales, an agency specializing in video-storytelling for new media. Between 2016 and 2017 she made several live performances at Pitti Immagine at Arte Fiera. Actually she is producing cross-media content and projects with focus into ethic – sustainable issues and traditions. She is currently presenting her second short film “Fertility Day”, written and directed with Paola D’Orsogna, co-produced with Tecnagon and TheStorytellers.